Acting 2
- PA605.PR4.1.8.b – Use various character objectives and tactics in a drama/theatre work to overcome an obstacle.
- PA605.Pr6.1.8.a – Perform a rehearsed drama/theatre work for an audience.
- PA630.Re9.1.I.a - Examine a drama/theatre work using supporting evidence and criteria, while considering art forms, history, culture and other disciplines.
- PA605.Cr2.I.b – Investigate the collaborative nature of the actor, director, playwright, and designers and explore their interdependent roles in a drama/theatre work.
- PA605.Cr2.8.a – Articulate and apply critical analysis, background knowledge, research, and historical and cultural context to the development of original ideas for a drama/theatre work.
- TH.Re7.1.I.a - Respond to what is seen, felt, and heard in a drama/theatre work to develop criteria for artistic choices of a drama/theatre work.
- PA605.RE9.1.8.a – Respond to a drama/theatre work using supporting evidence, personal aesthetics and artistic criteria.
- PA605.Re8.1.8.b – Analyze how cultural perspectives influence the evaluation of a drama/theatre work.
- PA605.Cr3.1.8.b – Refine effective physical, vocal, and physiological traits of characters in an improved or scripted drama/theatre work.