Suggested Monologues
Always read the entire script before performing a monologue.
by Shepard Album Billy or Boo All My Sons Chris Angels Fall Salvatore Zappala Angels in America Joe Amadeus Mozart American Buffalo Teach Amulets Against the Dragon Forces Chris Asymmetry Julius An Audible Sign Gale Aw, Wilderness Richard Balm in Gilead Fick Bash by LaBute Bent Max Beyond the Horizon Andy Blues for Mister Charlie Meridian or Pete Boys' Life Jack or Phil Breakfast with Les and Bess Less The Brixton Recovery Mickey Buried Child Vince Caretaker Mick The Child Thomas China Wars Hal The Colored Museum Junie The Crucible John Curse of the Starving Class Wesley Dancing at Lughnasa Michael Danny and the Deep Blue Sea Danny Death of a Salesman Biff The Downside Jeff The Dreamer Examines his Pillow Tommy Facing Death Durand The Fantod Sir Tristam Fat Pig Carter Fences Troy The Foreigner Charlie, Ellard, Froggy Free Will and Wanton Lust Philip Friends Mel Gem of the Ocean Caesar Wilkes The General of Hot Desire Walder The Glass Menagerie Jim or Tom The Goat, or Who is Sylvia? Billy The Gospel According to Miss Roc Miss Roj Greater Tuna Stanley Hey You, Light Man! Knight Home Cephus Miles Home Free! Lawrence Brown The House of Blue Leaves Artie How I Got That Story Reporter I Hate Hamlet Andrew I Never Sang for My Father Gene The Indian Wants the Bronx Joey Indians Sitting Bull Is There Life After High School Jim Wanamaker An Italian American Reconciliation Aldo Ivanov Borkin Joe Turner's Come and Gone Herald or Jeremy Landscape of the Body Raulito The Laramie Project Jedediah Laughing Wild Man Lemon Sky Alan A Lie of the Mind Jake Living at Home John Locked Room Luther Look at any Man Earl Long Day's Journey into Night Edmund or Jamie The Maiden's Prayer Andrew M. Butterfly Song Native Son Bigger The Nerd Willum Nightcoil Old Man Moses Noises Off Lloyd Oh Dad, Poor Dad, Hung You in the Closet and I'm Feeling So Sad Jonathan Opening Day Daddy Orphans Harold or Treat The Piano Lesson Lymon P.S. Your Car is Dead! Vito Rabbit Hole Jason The Rainmaker Starbuck A Raisin in the Sun Walter Reasons to be Pretty Kent Rehearsal for Murder Alex Red Ken Road Eddie Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead Rosencrantz 'Round Midnight Leo Rumors Lenny Savonarola Savonarola The Sea Gull Trepleff or Trigorin The 72-Ounce Steak Brent Short Eyes by Pinero Side Man Clifford A Singular Kinda Guy Mitch Six Degrees of Separation Paul Slow Dance on the Killing Ground Robert Snakebit Jonathan A Soldier's Play C.J., Davenport, or Walters Split Second Val Streamers by Rabe Suburbia Jeff Summer and Smoke John Buchanan Sweet Eros and Witness Young Man Swimming to Cambodia Spalding Gray Talley and Son Timmy The Teahouse of the August Moon Sakini This is our Youth Dennis or Warren The Trip Back Down Chuck The Trouble with Europe Jogot A Tuna Christmas Petey Fisk Two Trains Running Sterling Uncle Vanya Astroff A View from the Bridge Rodolpho The Wall of Water John War Story Wilson Where has Tommy Flowers Gone? Arnold or Nephew Where's My Money Sidney Who They Are And How It Is With Them Biz Who's Happy Now? Horse The Woods by Mamet The Woogatherer Cliff Yankee Dawg You Die Bradley Yamashita The Zoo Story Jerry |
FemaleAfter Easter
Greta Agnes of God Agnes All Kidding Aside Scotty All The Way Home Mary Angels in America Harper Anne of the Thousand Days Anne Anton in Show Business Casey The Autumn Garden Rose The Bad Seed Mrs. Daigle Baltimore Waltz Anna Bash Medea Redux The Blueberry Hill Accord Hannah Blues for Mister Charlie Juanita Brighton Beach Memoirs Blanche or Nora Broadway Bound Kate Bull Isobel Bums Evelyn or Mary Buried Child Shelly Burn This Anna Bus Stop Cherie Cat on a Hot Tin Roof Maggie Catholic Schoolgirls Elizabeth Central Park West Woody Allen Coastal Disturbances Holly The Colored Museum Normal, Topsy, Lady, Miss Roj Couple of White Chicks Sitting Around Talking Hannah Courtship Laura Cowboy Mouth Cavale Crimes of the Heart Babe The Crucible Mary Warren or Abigail Danny and the Deep Blue Sea Roberta Dark at the Top of the Stairs Lottie The Day in the Death of Joe Egg Sheila 'Dentity Crisis Jane Diary of Adam and Eve Eve Diary of Anne Frank Anne The Diviners Darlene Doll's House Nora the dreamer examines his pillow Donna The Effect of Gamma Rays on Man-in-the-Moon Marigolds Beatrice or Ruth Eleemosynary Echo Extremities Terry Father's Day Estelle Fefu and Her Friends Julia Fences Rose The Food Chain Amanda 5th of July Shirley Fortinbras Ophelia Getting Out Arlie Gem of the Ocean Aunt Ester or Black Mary Greater Tuna Vera Hello and Goodbye Hester House of Blue Leaves Bananas or Bunny How I Learned to Drive Lil' Bit An Ideal Husband Mabel I'm a Stranger Here Myself Lori Independence Jo In Doggerland Marnie I Never Sang For My Father Alice In The Blood Hester Invisible Friends Lucy I Ought To Be In Pictures Libby Jake's Women Karen or Maggie Kennedy's Children Carla Killdeer Sparky Last of the Red Hot Lovers Elaine Laundry and Bourbon Hattie Lemon Sky Carol Lettice and Lovage Lettice A Lie of the Mind Sally Little Foxes Birdie Little Woman Beth & Jo Loss of Roses Lila Lost in Yonkers Bella Look Homeward, Angel Laura Loose Knit Margie LUV Ellen Joe Turner's Come and Gone Bertha or Martha Ma Rainey's Black Bottom by Wilson Marisol Marisol Marriage of Bette and Boo Bette Mary, Mary Mary A Member of the Wedding Frankie Miss Firecracker Contest Carnelle Missing Marisa and Kissing Christine Christine More Fun than Bowling Lois Mullen's Alley Rebeccah Naomi in the Living Room Naomi Nice People Dancing to Good County Music Catherine 'night Mother Jessie Oh Dad, Poor Dad, Hung You in the Closet and I'm Feeling So Sad Madame Rosepettle One Sunday Afternoon Amy Our Town Emily Over the Tavern Tom Dudzick Outrageous Meg Out of Our Father's House Elizabeth Painting Churches Mags Picnic Madge or Rosemary Play It Again, Sam Linda Primary English Debbie Quilters Annie, Cassie, Katherine, or Nan Roosters Chata Seascape with Sharks and Dancers Tracy Six Degrees of Separation Louisa She was Lost and is Found Sue The Sign in Sidney Brustein's Window Gloria Sister Mary Ignatius Explains It All For You Diane or Sister Mary Slow Dance on the Killing Ground Rosie Snakebit Jennifer The Sound of Music Maria Spike Heels Georgie Stage Door Teri Stanton's Garage Mary Star Spangled Girl Sophie Stop Kiss Callie Street Car Named Desire Blanche Summertree Mother Sunday on the Rocks Elly Sylvia a dog Take in Marriage Ruth Two for the Seesaw Gittel Vanities Mary To be Young Girfted and Black Mama The Winterling Lue |